Boost VC’s Three Investment Pillars


Boost VC is the accelerator for Sci-Fi Tech. We invest $500k for 15% into 10 companies, twice a year.

At Boost VC we allocate resources towards the expansion of the digital world or the exploration of the physical world.

Over the last 8 years, Boost VC has been investing in founders who have a vision of a future that people would generally say is impossible at the time of our investment. We like being first and enabling contrarian builders with capital. Whether that is a new financial system, a jetpack, or a virtual world. We invest in startups at the intersection of 3 distinct pillars: Amazing Humans, Sci-Fi Tech, and Future Trillion Dollar Markets.

We believe the largest impact will be made by Amazing Humans, leveraging Sci-Fi technology to expand into Future Trillion Dollar Markets.

Boost VC’s Investment Pillars

Amazing Humans

First and foremost we invest in people. Humans who are committed to a bigger mission or to their competitive nature. Founding teams whose self confidence, motives and drive are authentic for the company. And those humans, who have the energy to weather the lows, and use momentum during the highs.

Sci-Fi Tech

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

-Arthur C. Clarke

We believe Science Fiction narratives drive innovation. When you read or watch Sci-Fi books, movies and comics, you are presented with a vision of the future that can inspire and drive progress. Our world is evolving at a rapid pace, we bet on founders who inspire us and challenge our worldview. We enable Amazing Humans on the cutting edge of technology, science and imagination.

Future Trillion Dollar Markets

There are two revolutions occurring in the world: the foundations of a new digital world (Crypto, VR, AI), and the exploration of the physical world (Bio, Oceans, Neural, Space). These technologies will impact every industry and will create new Future Trillion Dollar Markets.

We believe the largest impact will be made by Amazing Humans, leveraging Sci-Fi technology to expand into Future Trillion Dollar Markets. We want to accelerate human potential!

Are you an Amazing Human? Applications are open until November 11 — Apply now:

Adam Draper

Managing Director at @BoostVC // Seed investor in @Coinbase, @Amplitude_HQ, @Benchling, Wave Mobile Money // Board Member of @Skybound I like comic books. #Bitcoin

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